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ketamine assisted groups

This group is for adults seeking a transpersonal experience for purposes of healing. For more information go to

supervision group

This group is for students and new therapists working towards the completion of their LPC or ATR requirements. Art making, gestalt experientials, and case consultation will accompany discussions.

4-week process painting group - painting as a mindfulness practice

In this group we stay with a single canvas for 4 weeks, allowing it to evolve into a final piece that could be abstract or representational, depending on what unfolds.

We use the painting process as a way to cultivate mindfulness, coming back to our hands and what they want to do, as we might come back to our breath in mindfulness meditation. We paint away as we simultaneously pay attention to what arises in our thoughts, emotions and bodies.

This is a practice of self-care and slowing down, a time away from our busy schedules to tune in and attend to our souls deepest desires. No artistic skill or talent is needed to benefit from this group.


individual and small group art of allowing classes

I demonstrate and help you to connect to the archetypal energy that is waiting to be heard, and wants to support and validate you at this time in your life.

I walk you through the steps of creating a background, bringing forth a dimensional face and the completion of a painting that includes a symbol of deep meaning to you. I have been trained as an Art of Allowing facilitator with Flora Aube where the focus is on empowering the awakening of our intuitive and receptive skills as the primary teacher of creative expression.

No artistic skill or talent is needed to benefit from this group.

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wisdom counsel training

This is a training for therapists where we practice working from a connection to our inner wisdom. Mindfulness exercises, simple art exercises, gestalt experientials and group process will be part of this 2-Day workshop.

© 2021 Sibel Ozer • Development by Silverstring Creative  

Firefly Art Therapy - Ann Arbor, MI 48105

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